I am the type of guy who is very secure in his masculinity, I’ve never been to worried about doing something that isn’t what your typical G.I. Joe aspiring man would do. I am still a man though and we all have our limits before we cave in and must defend this notion of manliness.
One such time occurred at a thing known as the Sky Screamer. Now if anything should have set off warning bells it is my friend Donna turning to me and saying “let’s go on the Sky Screamer, it is so fun!” Perhaps you would think I caught on to the use of the word screamer and tried to avoid the ride. But then again the commercial for the ride that seems to pop up on television every thirty seconds informed me in full on jingle "you're going to love the Sky Screamer!" Now here I was with Donna, one of the stars of the commercial, not thinking to much of their liberal use of screamer as I followed her along happily to the 137.2 metre (450 ft.) tower that you are shot up and fall back down at 96 km/h (60mph) in an action that Donna tries to pass off as ‘fun.’
When we arrived at the ride I had a brief chance to stare up at the surprisingly tall tower before being dragged to an awaiting seat and locked in. In that fleeting moment my stomach began to do battle with my testosterone.
It was all for nothing though, the heavy weight that goes by the name testosterone had a clear knockout in the first round and I found my entire body (minus the stomach which seemed to arrive shortly behind my feet) being rocketed so high up that I was pretty sure any second we were going to leave Earth’s atmosphere and crash head first into some passing telecommunications satellite, our deaths being recognized somewhere in the mid west as angry farmers everywhere curse the TV for cutting out half way through a rerun of Becker.
A little bit of an over-active imagination? Perhaps, but then you try dreaming up your own demise as your being rocketed up towards space and tell me it doesn't in some way involve Ted Danson?
We're moving higher and higher now until suddenly (without any sort of warning) we come to a stop, my stomach catching up before continuing on its journey to the stratosphere. As it passed me by I’m pretty sure I heard the words “I told you so.” Shaking it off I looked over at Donna noticing a big smile on her face, perhaps the lack of oxygen at this altitude was getting to her? No one in their right mind could be smiling at the ordeal we had just been through, nevertheless it was my job as a man to calm her down.
Derek: Well, that wasn’t so bad.
Translation: Please let it be over!
Donna: Isn’t it great?
Interpretation: Yup, altitude has gotten to her.
Derek: The view is pretty amazing up here.
Translation: Any chance we could skip the whole having to go back down part?
Donna: Look over there you can see Niagara Falls.
Interpretation: We’re going to fall to our death and you have time to sight see?
Derek: We should…
Suddenly and again I must stress, without warning, the seats we were strapped to plummeted, my whole life attempting to flash before me. Before it could reach the potty training stage though we had landed on the ground.
“Was that not fun?” Donna asked, the level of excitement in her voice boggling my mind. Before I could answer my testosterone kicked back in.
“Yeah… um… oh yeah, lot of fun… So much fun that I uh… I think we should sit for awhile… a long while and just uh, talk about all the fun we just had.” I said in my manliest of voices as I attempted to walk in a straight line.
“No, lets do it again!” She said as my mind scrambled for a way out.
“But… sit… and talk?” Donna didn’t waste a second after the words had come out of my mouth before she brought out the big guns, my kryptonite, the pouty face.
“Please?” she asked as she demonstrated why she is one of the great masters of the pouty face practice. Logic crumbling before it I gave in and when I finally came to my senses I was gazing down at the Falls again and wondering what I had done.
When we reached the ground I attempted to continue with the tough guy act which lasted about twelve seconds before I broke into a sprint for a nearby picnic bench. Laying there I admitted defeat and wondered to myself if there was any masculine way to spin collapsing onto a table for fifteen minutes.
That night I was over at Donna’s place when her dad asked me what I thought of the infamous Sky Screamer. I told him it was a lot of fun just as Donna and her mum entered. I was met with a questioning glance from Donna.
“Okay well it might have made me feel a little sick,” I conceded.
“Really? I’ve never heard of anyone feeling sick on that ride?” said her mum.
I learnt something 450 feet above the ground, next time I’ll stick to doing stuff more my pace: I hear a store at the local mall has skirts on sale for 20% of this weekend.
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