So the cost of a barrel of oil hit its all time high and I was paying for it out the nose at the gas pumps. I mean I was literally paying out the nose, let me warn you people, have a firm grip of the twenty dollar bill when you go to snort cocaine.
No, I don’t really do cocaine… I might, if I weren’t so poor from paying my petroleum dealer around the corner.
A lot of you are asking why? And by 'why' I don't mean why did I make that last joke if it wasn’t based on a firm bed of truth, but rather why are we paying more for gas now then we ever did?
Well folks, good news, I’ve come up with a theory:
They are having trouble finding the crude oil.
See a lot of the gas we know and love comes from places like
Some in
I should note that a Halophile is a creature adapted to thriving in conditions with an extremely high concentration of salt; it is not someone who has a strange and unstoppable turn on for guys who play Halo. To any of my more nerdy readers I am sorry, I did not mean to get your hopes up about the chance of getting a date to this years prom.
Although you know ironically many Halo players live off an inordinate amount of salty snacks.
But I digress.
Not to be outdone
But what does all this have to do with gas prices?
Come on people, do I have to spell it out for you? I sure hope not, because spelling things out isn't exactly my strong suit... well, unless accompanied by spell check.
Any creationist will tell you fossils are dead animals who couldn’t get on board Noah’s
Now fossils, when soaked in mud and sediment and left to sit for a few million years will produce gasoline, if you like the sound of this recipe I recommend Rachael Ray's zooplankton recipe found in her book, “30 Millennium Meals.”
Unfortunately we are told Noah’s flood happened much more recently then four hundred million years ago, so Creationists can’t rightfully believe in gasoline.
Therefore there are a lot of Creationist oil companies having trouble finding any gas out there.
“How’d drilling go today?”
“Came up dry, just a bunch of global flood victim bones.”
And so you see, we are faced with mass shortages of petroleum.
Really? Is this true?
No, but that’s okay! We’re fed all sorts of lines about why oil is so much. Increased demand from third world countries, wars, hedge funds buying and selling oil contracts, a declining US dollar, one lone oil platform catching on fire off the
Now where did I leave my rolled up twenty…
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