Tuesday, June 19, 2007

From Russia With Febreeze

Awhile back I was getting out of my shower when I suddenly became aware that someone else was in the room.

Dressed in tight denim shorts and a tank top that seemed to threaten to show a little more then the mid in mid-drift, she was a complete stranger.

“Can I get to work?” she asked, casually, as if nothing was out of the ordinary about the situation.

“Uh… What?” I said, demonstrating my superior intellect.

“Can I get started?”

“Okay hold on… who are you? Why are you here?”

“I was hired to be here?” she said, a look of confusion crossing her face.

Slowly the wheels of my groggy mind began to turn. Skimpy attire, hired…

“Hold on! You're not -- I mean -- you must have the wrong house.”

She recited my address to me.

I paused, what was going on here?

“I just really am wanting to get started” she said, her thickly accented English breaking the silence.

What was going on here? Who would’ve hired her? Was this some sort of practical joke? And why hadn't I thought to reach for my towel yet? Something somewhere in my gut told me it'd probably be smart answering that last question first.

“So now I get started, yes?” she asked, moving towards me.

I staggered back, trying to keep my eyes on her face, trying to keep my mind focused. I shot my hands up, motioning for her to stop.

“Okay now, now, now hold on -- I just, I mean, no, sorry, this can’t, no.”

“What?” she punctuated with questioning eye brows.

“I’m sorry, this can’t happen. I mean, it's nothing personal, just like, well, I’d never do it with… I mean, umm, it’s just… how do I put this?” I stammered.

“What’s wrong?” she said, taking another step towards me.

“I’d-never-pay-for-sex!” I blurted out.

She stopped in her tracks; a stare of shock and outrage replaced the now familiar confusion.

Thing are a little awkward these days whenever she comes by to do her job, I guess I would ask the guy to send someone else over, someone its a little less tense around, but she's the kind of girl who doesn't rest till the jobs done and who will work her hands to the bone. I just really wish someone told me they hired a maid.

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Anonymous said...

very funny...my maids never seem to look that good...

Unknown said...

haha, nice story.
Atleast in the story you could keep up a decent conversation with her, had it been me out of the shower she would no doubt be laughing at my nude body, pathetically.